Welcome to the Air Force Academy Parents Association of New Jersey website
The Air Force Academy Parents Association of New Jersey (AFAPANJ) supports cadets as they prepare to join the long blue line, and their parents and families as they commit to encourage them through this anything but typical academy experience.
The Air Force Academy Parents Association of New Jersey is recognized by the Air Force Academy with official lines of communications to and from the USAFA Parents Club Liaison, who communicates to the elected president. This information is securely disseminated to all current members.
AFAPANJ membership provides benefits for both member families and cadets. These benefits include events for both cadets and member families, access to information directly from the Air Force Academy Parent Liaison. For further information regarding benefits and membership costs, please contact Treasurer - Preeti Ponnada (AFAPANJTreasurer@gmail.com)
Upcoming Events
Fall Candy Caper: Care Package Pack-out
(and lunch served)
Saturday, October 19th
Church of the Nativity
180 Ridge Rd, Fair Haven, NJ
1:30 - 4:00
Email to afapanjinfo@gmail.com for any questions.
AFAPANJ Board Members
President - Wendy Tilp afapanjpresident@gmail.com
Vice President - Bonnie Graziano
Treasurer - Preeti Ponnada
Co Treasurer - Ramesh Ponnada
Secretary - Pam Beswick
Membership - Lisa Barnett / Fran LaCouture
2025 representative - Wendy Tilp
2026 representative - Anthony Picione
2027 representative - Bonnie Graziano
2028 representative - Elizabeth Szumigala
Webmaster - afapanjinfo@gmail.com
Volunteer Positions
AFAPANJ is an All-Volunteer organization. Everyone is welcome to take an active role in AFAPANJ to support our cadets and help each other.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact AFAPANJ afapanjinfo@gmail.com
Important links & Social Media groups: